How to cancel my subscription?
Thank you for being with us!
If you purchased your subscription directly from, you can cancel your subscription with the following methods:
Website Subscription
- Self-Service:
- Sign in to your BKFC account on
- Click on your name found on upper right corner and click on Account Settings
- If prompted, login again
- On your subscription details, please click on Show
- Please then click on the Cancel Service to complete.
IMPORTANT: If you purchased your within the app on a mobile or connected device (an iOS device, an Android device, Roku, or Amazon Fire), the billing of your subscription is handled by the mobile or connected device third-party as well. Please reach out to the respective billers for dispute on payments.
Subscription through third-party billers
You must access your subscription settings in your account with the third-party platform to handle billing issues and submit cancellation requests for your subscription.
- iOS Device: How to manage your subscription on an iOS device
- Android Device: How to manage your subscription on an Android device
- Roku Device: How to manage your subscription on a Roku connected device
- Amazon Fire TV Device: Manage your Amazon App Store subscription