We are here to help

I have streaming issues. What can I do?

When encountering problems with the quality of the video that you are trying to stream, there is a general to-do list to follow to fix the issue. See the recommended steps below:


If you're using the 'Archive section' and are unable to watch your preferred match, please try using the search box located at the top of your page.


Streaming issues on a web browser:

  1. Refresh the page.
  2. Close and relaunch the browser.
  3. Clear your cache and cookies. 
  4. Try a different browser or go in-private mode
  5. Try manually searching for the game on the search bar.

If this does not work, please refer to the bottom of this page to know what information you need to prepare and share with our Support Team.


Streaming issues on apps.

Each app provider has already prepared proven and tested troubleshooting steps for any issues. Please click on the appropriate article depending on the device you are using.

If nothing worked, please click on the chat button at the bottom-right part of this page to engage with our virtual assistant or our support team.

We will need the following information to proceed with our investigation:

  1. Your device's make and model 
  2. Software version
  3. Troubleshooting steps and devices you have tried
  4. Confirmation on where the issue is experienced (website or app)
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